Your donations to the E.C.F. assist those people you connect with when you visit the club. From your favorite server at dinner to your Member Experience Director, assistance is available to all club and home office Employee Partners. The Fund helps those individuals in the midst of crisis such as home loss, death, illness, as well as domestic situations.
The E.C.F. has assisted more than 6,000 Invited Employees and their families since its creation in 2007.
Your generous donations truly make an impact:
- An Employee had complications from diabetes and needed surgery. Hospital bills made it challenging to pay living expenses. The ECF granted assistance for rent to avoid eviction and paid utility bills.
- An Employee's spouse passed away after a long battle with cancer. Assistance was provided to pay funeral expenses.
- Due to a domestic situation, an Employee needed assistance getting a new apartment to flee an abusive relationship. The ECF provided funding to assist with moving, transportation, food, and clothing.
- A fire destroyed an Employee's home, leaving the family displaced. The ECF assisted with mortgage payments as well as helping provide for necessities after the fire.